Events and Announcements
The 2022 Collaborative Care Summit will be held on Tuesday April 19th, 2022.
Northeastern/central Pennsylvania
Interprofessional Education Coalition
Interprofessional Education (IPE) is "when students from two or more professions learn about, from and with each other to enable effective collaboration and improve health outcomes” (WHO, 2010)
The Northeastern/central Pennsylvania Interprofessional Education Coalition (NECPA IPEC) provides vision and leadership to foster and support interprofessional education in health care.
The NECPA IPEC is comprised of a group of health care educators from 11 different institutions of higher education in the Northeast and North central PA region. In addition, we are partnered with the NEPA Area Health Education Center (AHEC). Since 2008 we have worked to promote interprofessional education and collaboration in our region. The NECPA IPEC is a grass-roots organization that fulfills its mission through the hard work and dedication of individuals.
Contact us at necpaipec@gmail.com.