About Us

The NECPA-IPEC provides vision and leadership to foster and support interprofessional education in health care.
Background and History
Northeast and central Pennsylvania is home to several excellent post-secondary healthcare education programs. Unfortunately, these programs are somewhat small and isolated with most universities/colleges housing a limited number of disciplines. Therefore, a robust interprofessional education (IPE) program requires collaboration across institutions, disciplines, and county lines. The Northeastern/central Pennsylvania Interprofessional Education Coalition (NECPA IPEC) was founded in 2008 by a group of dedicated faculty and administrators and currently is comprised 11 institutions in our region. In addition the NEPA Area Health Education Center (AHEC) is an active member in our organization.

Participating Institutions
Johnson College
King's College
Lackawanna College
Luzerne County Community College
Misericordia University
Marywood University
Geisinger Commonwealth
School of Medicine
The University of Scranton
Wilkes University
Contact us at necpaipec@google.com.
Karen E. Arscott, D.O., M.Sc. (GCSOM), Scranton Coordinator, NECPA IPEC Chair
Diana Easton, MPAS, PA-C (King’s), Wilkes-Barre Coordinator
Marian Farrell, PhD, PMH-CNS, BC, CRNP, CS (University of Scranton), Scranton Coordinator
Christine Simon, CRNP (LCCC), Wilkes-Barre Coordinator
Laurie Brogan, PT, DPT, CEEAA, GCS (Misericordia), Wilkes-Barre Coordinator
Loriann Pajalich, DNP, MS, RN, CNS, GCNS-BC (Marywood), Scranton Coordinator
John Szarek, BPharm, PhD, CHSE (GCSOM), Scranton Coordinator
Judith L. Kristeller, PharmD, BCPS (Wilkes) Wilkes-Barre Coordinator
Roxanne Caswell, BS RT (R) (M) (Johnson College) Scranton Coordinator
Michelle Sanford, MS, RD (Messiah College) Harrisburg Coordinator
Kelly McGovern PT, DPT (Lackawanna College) Scranton Coordinator