The Collaborative Care Summit is designed to promote interprofessional interactions between many health profession students in our region. The 2016 Collaborative Summit was held at six universities in three regions (Wilkes-Barre, Scranton and Williamsport). In 2016, 879 individuals, including 751 students, participated in the summit. Twenty unique professions were represented at the Summmit! The NECPA IPEC Collaborative Care Summit is likely the largest IPE program in the World!
7th Annual Collaborative Care Summit!
April 6th, 2016
Bringing Professionals Together to Care For Everyone
Overview. A keynote presentation was intended to clarify how interprofessional education is applied to the real healthcare environment. This was followed by a video (see below) which focused on challenges of obesity. Students then move into their assigned small groups of 8-10 interprofessional students. Facilitators are used to guide discussion of the case from presentation to discharge. Students are encouraged to communicate their personal experiences as it relates to the case, professional roles and responsibilities, and examine the affective domain of thinking about what the client and family are feeling. Finally, students return to a common area for the closing summary and debrief.
Check out the video which was produced by Dana Manning, PharmD, RD and Judy Kristeller PharmD. The video was used as a discussion trigger and was shown to summit participants at the start of the program.
I was definitely not expecting to enjoy the conference as much as I did. I truly enjoyed being able to interact with each other profession and I highly recommend more people getting involved in this.
Honestly, DREADED this seminar for a month. After going through it, I was pleasantly surprised at how laid back, easy going, and friendly/receptive everyone was. It was a great experience.